Each day we face the worst of what humans can do to each other and the ways systems often fail survivors.
- A sexual assault occurs in the U.S. once every three minutes.*
- One in three girls and one in seven boys will be sexually assaulted before his or her 18th birthday.
- Battering is the major cause of injury to women between the ages of 18 and 44.
Access to support for victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, homicide, violent crime and those experiencing homelessness is even more challenging for those living in rural communities, like much of the state of Iowa. Thankfully, an amazing resource exists to serve these diverse needs in 10 southwestern Iowa counties.

Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center, MFLCares’ October charity, “unites communities to end violence and oppression for all people.”
The center’s services are free, voluntary, confidential and available to all without discrimination. Trained advocates provide acute crisis response and longterm advocacy services.
Crisis Intervention includes support, listening, information, options and assessing danger. Advocacy includes exploring alternatives, formulating action plans and providing follow up and resources.
“When a business like Midwest Family Lending takes the time to hear our mission, it’s also coming alongside us to see violence and oppression in its own communities and doing something about it,” says Taylor Sullivan, Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center’s communication & technology coordinator. “Thank you for choosing to donate and support our mission to make our communities stronger and safer.”
How can you help?
Start by checking out these links to learn how to support someone affected by domestic violence or sexual assault. Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center could not provide its many services to the community without the help of its many volunteers and supporters. Opportunities to help include:
- Staffing the 24-hour crisis line.
- Helping to educate the community about Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center, the services provide,d and the dynamics of domestic abuse and sexual assault
- Providing child care during support group sessions or assisting with office operations, facility maintenance, deliveries, etc.
- Donating money, making in-kind donations, including Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center in your will or other planned giving vehicle, or by helping to plan a fundraising event
Your support offers hope to these victims.
“By supporting survivors we aim to unite communities to promote social change.”
– Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center
MFLCares is a program of Midwest Family Lending, a local mortgage company committed to creating customers for life and to community impact. Through MFLCares, Midwest Family Lending employees nominate and select one cause a month that is dear to their hearts to receive a donation. Check out our calendar to learn more about these great causes in our area.
*Data from Supportingsurvivors.org