As 2023 begins, Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month is in full swing. Start this year off strong by committing to IBAT’s mission to “Learn Something” and “Do Something” to raise awareness in your community, support survivors, and help prevent this terrible crime. I want to offer you some ideas on how you can get involved this month:
Anti-Trafficking Training
The first step to raising awareness is educating yourself about this form of modern exploitation. You can host an anti-trafficking training with a local organization for your business and community members to learn more about the signs of human trafficking and steps you can take to prevent it. You can find more information here.
Once you know the signs of human trafficking, reach out to members of your community and help them learn these signs as well .

A Small Gesture Can Go a Long Way
Millions of Americans have learned about a vital hand signal that can help rescue an innocent trafficking victim. Do you know the hand signal to alert others that a trafficking situation is occurring?
Simply put your hand up with your palm facing out, place your thumb in your palm like you are holding up the number four, and curl all four fingers around the thumb like you are “trapping” it. You should continue doing this hand signal multiple times. Now you can help spread the word about the “sign for help.”
Strengthen Your Community
IBAT has grown tremendously in its first year, surpassing 600 members across the state. You can help us continue to grow this membership by asking businesses in your community to join you in this fight by becoming an IBAT member. You can direct them to our website to apply at
Post on Social Media
In a digital world, a social media post can cause a rippling effect. Share on your social media information about Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month and IBAT. You can download IBAT graphics here.