Huntington’s Disease Society of America’s Iowa Chapter is our featured charity this month and has received a $1500 donation through our MFLCares program. The funds will be used to help individuals affected by Huntington’s Disease (HD) and their families through support and services.
“Being chosen by MFLCares as a supported charity is both heartwarming and exciting!” says Lisa Hubbard, president of Huntington’s Disease Society of America – Iowa Chapter. “It is through the generosity of people like yourselves who share in our moto of ‘family is everything’ that we are able to live out our mission to improve the lives of those affected by Huntington’s Disease in and around our community. With your help, we CAN make a difference. Thank you!”

Through MFLCares, Midwest Family Lending employees nominate a charity they would like to support. This month,Eric Smith, licensed mortgage loan originator with Midwest Family Lending, nominated Huntington’s Disease Society of America’s Iowa Chapter (HSDA). The Smiths have raised both awareness of and dollars for HDSA Iowa in hopes of one day finding a cure for the disorder that has affected them deeply.

The HDSA Mission:
“To improve the lives of everyone affected by Huntington’s disease and their families”
About HD
HD is a fatal genetic disorder that deteriorates a person’s physical and mental abilities, usually during their prime working years. It’s described as having ALS, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s simultaneously. The disease is caused by a gene mutation; any child of an affected parent has a 50 percent chance of inheriting the disease.
The Huntington’s Disease Society of America (HDSA) is “the premier nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of everyone affected by Huntington’s disease.” From community services and education to advocacy and research, HDSA is the world’s leader in providing help for today and hope for tomorrow for people with Huntington’s disease and their families.
We work with people like you to raise funds to support research through our Center Of Excellence with hopes that one day we will see a world free of HD. We work to spread awareness so that no person is left to feel alone when learning of an HD diagnosis. We know that when a person is diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease, the individual as well as their family will be faced with many questions, concerns, fears and obstacles. HDSA Iowa is here to walk alongside those individuals and families and supply them with education, support, resources and most of all Hope.
– Lisa Hubbard, President HDSA – Iowa Chapter
See what it’s like to live with HD in this ABC News story featuring two families affected by Huntington’s disease.
You can help!
Follow HDSA Iowa on Facebook to keep up to date on HD news and events.
MFLCares is a program of Midwest Family Lending, a local mortgage company committed to creating customers for life and to community impact. Check out our calendar to learn more about the great causes MFLCares has supported this year.
“HDSA Iowa is here to walk alongside HD individuals and families and supply them with education, support, resources and most of all Hope.”
-Lisa Hubbard, HDSA Iowa