Don’t Forget to File For Your Homestead Credit by July 1!

Did someone say, “Free $?!”

In Iowa you’re eligible to obtain the credit on one property if:

  • It’s your primary residence 6 months out of the year. AND
  • You apply by July 1.
    • But you can file whenever if you haven’t yet (Hello, 2020 homebuyers who may have missed this amidst the craziness that was our world last year). You just won’t receive the credit for the year if you don’t file by July 1.

It’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3!

  1. Visit:, and find your county.
  2. Search for your property.
  3. Look for a link to complete your homestead credit application.

How much are we talking here? It’s free money — does it even matter?! Basically, it varies based on the credits for which you qualify and the taxes on your home. But most people end up save a couple hundred dollars, each year! A.K.A. totally worth your time!

Already filed? You’re set for future years so long as you remain eligible.

Sorry, Nebraska’s not so nice. You’re only eligible if you’re one of the following:

  • Older than 65
  • A qualified disabled individual OR
  • A qualified disabled veterans or their widow(er).

Here’s more information for Nebraska residents including how to file.

Questions? We’ve got answers.

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